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Dienstag, 20. März 2012

Zur Vereinfachung der Kontrolle der BankUmtauschAbrechnungen ein Tool von Euroclear Bank

Da offensichtlich viele Bankabrechnungen zum Umtausch fehlerhaft sind...

es gibt von euroclear ein tool (excel) zur berechnung bei beliebiger nominal-ausgangsmenge was man an 24bondigem strauss erhält....

auch für die inflinker

This calculation tool has been prepared by Euroclear Bank for information purposes only. Please note that this tool was not prepared or approved by the Hellenic Republic. Euroclear Bank does not guarantee its accuracy and completeness. Therefore,, use of this calculation tool by a Participant is at the Participant’s sole risk. It does not constitute an offer nor does it form part of the offenng documentation. It does not include all relevant information and may omit information which is of critical importance to certain bondholders. Participants are advised to refer to the Offering Documentation and to seek advice from their own legal counsel in understanding this offer. Euroclear Bank accepts no liability for losses resulting from reliance on this calculation tool.

wer mir ein wenig Hintergrundinfo zu seine GRI-Situation per email gibt, dem kann ich dieses Tool (vertraulich) anbieten....

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